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Carpet Installation Checklist

You want a problem-free installation and, to help ensure it, here’s a checklist of things to do before the installer arrives.

installing carpet in stairs

Before Installation

  • Make sure you know who’s removing your existing flooring. If you wish, the installer will do it. If not, you should make arrangements to have it removed. To minimize dust, vacuum your old carpet before it’s removed and, after it’s up, vacuums the floor thoroughly.
  • Who’s moving the furniture? Decide in advance if you want to take on the responsibility or if you want the installer to handle it. Either way, be sure to remove all fragile items from the room, and don’t leave anything—such as drapery or plants—hanging over the installation area.
  • Measure door clearances before you have your carpet installed. If the new floor is thicker than your existing floor, door bottoms may rub. Plan in advance to have someone shave or saw the correct amount off the bottom of each door so it does not drag.
  • Paint first. If you’re planning to paint, wallpaper, or do any other remodeling in the room, it’s best to do it before your carpet is installed. Keep extra paint to touch up any post-installation nicks.

During Installation

To make your carpet look good now and for a long time to come, proper installation is critical. Here’s the procedure an experienced installation professional will follow:

  • Prepare the surface: Carpet can be installed over most smooth surfaces. Your installer will make sure the surface is clean, dry, and level.
  • Put up tack strips and lay carpet pad: The installer will nail or glue tack strips to hold the carpet in place. Then the pad is laid and secured with staples or glue.
  • Line up seams: This step is simpler for solid carpet and more complex for patterns—but your professional installer is trained to handle either.
  • Stretch the carpet: This is a work-intensive step that professionals follow carefully, complying with industry standards so that the carpet will give the best performance for the longest time.

It’s a good idea to check with us directly to find out if there are other actions we recommend before installation. And we can also help you choose a highly skilled professional installer. Just call a member of our friendly sales staff.

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